How I work

bereavement - tRAUMA - aNXIETY Relationship problems
work related stress - Life transitions

Methods of working

Face to Face

I am employed by a charity in North Yorkshire and I work face to face with clients. At this time I have chosen not to work with private clients face to face.



Zoom is a video platform that is private and, in my experience, more stable than other platforms available. Working online in this way means that you can  access support without having to factor in travel times and in a method that means we can still see each other. 


Telephone provides a safe and straightforward means of accessing support. Often this is chosen by clients who feel more comfortable with the anonymity of the telephone, or if they are unable to use a video platform. I am comfortable to work in this way.


I currently charge £55 for a 60 minute session for individual clients and £75 for a 60 minute session for couples .

Ideally I prefer sessions to be at the same time and on the same day, but recognise that this is not always possible giving the demands of work and family life. I try to be flexible.

Initially I offer weekly or fortnightly sessions but am happy to work monthly once our relationship is established.

My specialist areas

Bereavement and loss

I have a lot of experience working with bereaved clients. I accept clients at any point in their grief journey, whether it is a few weeks or a few years since someone, or indeed a beloved pet, has died. The grief process is unique to everyone. You may just want a few sessions to talk through your thoughts and feelings because you don’t want to put this on family or friends who share in the bereavement. You may want to work in the medium or longer term, twenty plus sessions, if the bereavement has brought up unexpected or complex thoughts or feelings that are impacting your life, making it hard to carry on.  


I have experience working with sudden and unexpected loss, pregnancy and child loss and  bereavement by suicide.



Whether it be from childhood experiences and something you have learned to live with, or a recent accident or event, I would be happy to support you in your recovery journey. 


I will offer you the space to explore the impact of this trauma and to help discover how you can change going forward, so that trauma does not limit or hinder your life experience going forward.

Anxiety and depresssion

Life is challenging and we all have ups and downs. If you would like the opportunity to work with someone longer term, who will be committed to hearing about your unique situation, then please contact me.


Please note that I cannot advise you about medications, either going on them, or coming off. However I am happy to work alongside your GP and do have an understanding of the main drugs currently proscribed and their effects.

Thank you for visiting my website. I am still developing it and will be adding more content soon. If you have any questions please get in touch. Di March 2024